mercoledì 29 gennaio 2014

Christmas Cake

Christmas Cake
Godey's Lady's Book 1862
Sometimes recipes were in written as verses.
Victorian Christmas Cake

To two pounds of flour, well sifted, unite
Of loaf-sugar, ounces sixteen;
Two pounds of fresh butter, with eighteen fine eggs,
And four pounds of currants washed and clean;
Eight ounces of almonds well blanched and cut small,
The same weight of citron sliced;
Of orange and lemon-peal candied one pound,
And a gill of pale brandy uniced;
A large nutmeg grated:exact half an ounce
Of allspice, but only a quarter
Of mace, coriander, and ginger well ground,
Or pounded to dust in a mortar,
An important addition is cinnamon, which
Is better increased than diminished;
The fourth of an ounce is sufficient.  Now this
May be baked for good hours till finished.
Makes about 24 lbs.

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